Thursday, May 30, 2013


Well we didn't get the gig.

I'm looking back at this shit and it was a pretty boring read to me. It's something musicians go through and bands playing original music deal with all the time. I guess it's the first fall for this group and so it's kind of a bigger deal in my eyes.
First off, it definitely wasn't going to be a career changing even or anything but it was going to be our first show as group and my show first show as a singer in about 18 months. I tried not to let that shit get me down though. I emailed one place today. Just one. Haven't heard anything back but what should I really expect but the place looks like it's pretty cool and emailed another place yesterday. Haven't heard anything back from that either. Met up with Dillon last night to go over the material for the group. He's the ghost of a guitar that comes and goes. It was nice to work with someone and talk about the songs instead of just telling someone notes or a beat to play.

Ok so positives...

Well we all made it our mission to get together and practice. There was no teeth pulling to get people together and we even made plans ahead of time to jam again. That was probably the biggest thing for me. It's like we can do it, we're just lazy most of the time. Good to know, I guess.


So a positive.

Well I guess it's time to get the shit together. Tomorrow some music should get tracked and look into other venues and bars.


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